About Us

Welcome to Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Palestine, Texas!

At Bethlehem Lutheran Church, we are a community of believers who love Jesus Christ and are united in His mission—to share His love, grace, and truth with the world. Rooted in faith, we seek to reflect the light of Christ in our homes, our neighborhoods, and beyond, one heart at a time.

As part of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), we are a Bible-centered, mission-focused, and confessional Christian community. Grounded in God’s Word and strengthened by His Spirit through Word and Sacraments, we are called to live out and proclaim the love of Christ through our words and actions—within our congregation, throughout our local community, and to the ends of the earth.

We believe that church is more than just a place we go—it is who we are. Together, as the body of Christ, we worship, serve, and grow in faith, supporting and encouraging one another on this journey of grace.

Whoever you are and wherever you come from, you are welcome here. Come as you are, and let’s experience the love of Jesus together!