Thoughts to Ponder

Thoughts To Ponder: Psalm 138:8

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

Psalm 138:8

Most of us get  really excited to start something, but as keeping that excitement in the middle of the project is what is difficult – to keep going and reach the goal. If you are normal, there may be at least one unfinished projects somewhere in your life.

God’s not like that. He finishes what He begins. That includes each of us. He will ‘bring to an end’ – which is what ‘perfect’ means in the Hebrew – that which is about you that He desires, and He will not forsake the work He has started in you. Now, of course, you can desire things outside of God’s will for you. He does not help with those things, but works either around them, or though them, to bring you closer to Himself. That is always His goal – to bring us closer to Himself, either here in this life, and certainly, in the eternal life. God created humanity to live with Him in heaven. Sin, because of our selfish human desires, complicated that original goal, but God has worked so that His original goal is still possible – our eternal life with Him.

We are works in progress, but we will not be unfinished projects—because His love endures forever. Jesus’s life, death and resurrection shows that God keeps going in the middle of this project that is us seeing Him face-to-face.