‘Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your soul.”
– James 1:21
Today is the day we remember Rev. Dr. Martin Luther. Luther himself had a problem with the book of James and once called it ‘an Epistle of straw’ (because it was not as strong on the Good News as he wanted) but later came to see it as a good book to read and understand.
It can be argued, and is by several seminary professors, that the Book of James was the first book written in the New Testament and therefore James was assuming everybody knew about the details of the life of Christ and His resurrection, and was now talking about how to apply that fundamental truth to daily life.
That thought is proved by this verse which talks about daily life, and that we are to set aside our sinful human nature, which is an action on our part, and to hold on to the truth of the Good News of forgiveness by faith in Christ. The ‘meekness’ word that is used here is for us to never be proud about being the redeemed but rather understanding that we’re all ‘beggars’ as Luther would call us at the Throne of grace. Praise God for His mercy!