Lutheran News

LCMS President Addresses Immigration Concerns

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison recently released a letter addressing concerns regarding Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) and other Lutheran social ministry organizations. The letter responds to discussions about these organizations receiving federal grants for immigrant assistance and the implications for the church.

In his statement, President Harrison affirms that The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is a law-abiding, patriotic church body that does not endorse or support illegal immigration. He clarifies that the LCMS holds no government contracts related to immigration services and does not engage in political advocacy on this issue, entrusting such matters to individual members acting according to their Christian consciences.

Historically, the LCMS partnered with LIRS to resettle European refugees after World War II and Southeast Asian refugees following the Vietnam War. However, due to differing theological positions, particularly concerning biblical teachings on sexual morality, the LCMS no longer maintains an official relationship with LIRS.

President Harrison emphasizes that the LCMS is officially pro-immigrant, welcoming all individuals and sharing the message of Jesus’ forgiveness. Congregations are encouraged to assist immigrants in becoming legal residents, reflecting our commitment to loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Additionally, President Harrison highlights the LCMS’s dedication to upholding First Amendment rights, especially in the face of challenges related to religious freedom and societal pressures. He acknowledges the anxiety many experience due to government actions and societal changes, particularly concerning issues of sex and religious expression. Despite these challenges, the LCMS remains steadfast in its mission to share Christ’s love and forgiveness with all people.

For a comprehensive understanding, you can read President Harrison’s full letter below.