Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We’re delighted to share that our highly anticipated Chili Friday event raised an impressive $3,457. Although we fell just short of our goal after expenses, we’re thrilled to announce that we will be presenting Meals on Wheels with a check on March 4. A special shoutout to the seven volunteers from M.O.W. who joined forces with us in serving our community!
A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who participated! Special gratitude to Paul Tugwell and Jim Broad for cooking up all that delicious ground beef. Whoever tackled the onion chopping—we salute your bravery through those tears!
A round of applause for Donna Hughes, who skillfully led the collection of silent auction items, and to Sylvia Frenzel and Betty Nelson for managing the delectable dessert table.
Thanks to Pat Stephenson, Kandice Herndon, and Brenda Roller for efficiently handling the collection table, along with James Bowden and Don Fortner for orchestrating and leading the meal deliveries.
To all our wonderful volunteers who set up tables, cleaned Luther Hall, greeted and mingled with guests, served food, delivered meals, baked desserts, crafted silent auction baskets, and contributed time, talents, and treasures—thank you! Each small act of service created the big, beautiful team effort that made this event such a success.
We are deeply grateful for your participation and support. Thank you all so much!